Mark Yegge

The Wealth Architect

"Never give up your power in your health, your wealth or your time."

My Philosophy

Hi. I am Mark Yegge. I teach people how to create cash flow - passive income from the stock market using a system that I have developed around a covered call strategy. This is the same system that I have used for years to create reliable income, although some years are easier than others.​ Of course, I use it in my personal accounts, including my IRA, and I post those results on this site so that you can see that what I teach works.

I built my system around the trading geniuses that came before me. People like Jesse Livermore, probably the greatest trader of all time – who, 5 times, made and lost today’s equivalent of $1-billion in trading.

And William O’Neil, whose detail-orientation and dedication to research has given me an appreciation of the patterns of “superstocks.” William Darvas who wrote the book: “How I made $2-million in the stock Market” (written back in the 1950’s), who taught me that you can make a lot of money by NOT watching the news and by using predictable patterns. Finally, Edward Thorp, the math genius and MIT professor who wrote "Beat The Market" and who I consider the Godfather of this strategy in its original form.

I put all of the knowledge that I learned from these guys, countless others, trading and investing seminars, and over $2-million of my own money invested in learning and experimenting with this system so that my students and clients don’t have to.  Today, I easily create chunks of passive income, which I mostly reinvest into the program.  ​

But for me, running hedge funds and doing research all day leads to a boring life, so I like to spice things up by traveling the world – taking my system for creating passive income wherever I go. Yet my favorite thing is to teach new people this incredible system for creating cash flow. I just love it when people have “epiphanies” and ask: “why doesn’t everyone do this.” Answer: because most people just don’t want to take the time to learn this system, which only takes  20 minutes to an hour per week to implement OR most people want the "quick hit" or aren't willing to put in the time.

I have built a full eco-system around the Cash Flow Machine because I believe that in order to learn anything properly, you must immerse yourself in it. So we have programs for all levels of knowledge and expertise. Don’t have any experience? We have a program for that. Want a community of like-minded Cash Flow “Machinists”? We have a program for that too. Want to learn how to set yourself up for a retirement built around income? Yup, we can help with that for sure.​

In fact, it is sometimes better to not have any experience because we take a bit of time to unlearn bad habits of investing. Our system is often the opposite of what most people have been taught. You see, we want to create income from the stock market; we don’t necessarily need for the stock to go up in order to make our money.

Think of it like the real-estate business. You buy a house and rent it out, with a goal to have a good tenant in the house that pays you rent each month. In that case, you don’t really mind too much that the value of the house fluctuates with the market, right? You just care about receiving that income each month. Well, we do that in the stock market by training you how to shoot for 2% to 4% per month. We teach the basics of having a full covered call strategy. Then, we build on it by adding a few rules like:

  • How to adjust your trades
  • When to enter a trade
  • How much to invest
  • Which is the right stock to buy and
  • What is the best option to use to create income  

The goal is that, over time, your portfolio grows into the multi-millions so that it can easily create an income stream of $10K, $20K, or $30,000 per month. And since this is built around a pretty conservative strategy, you can always look to your account to pay you the income that you create whether the stock goes up, down, or sideways (you just must focus on the 'right' stocks and look at this as a long-term strategy). ​

Anyway, I could go on about the Cash Flow Machine system, but if you want to learn more about how it has helped me, other people, and how it can help you too – just click around a bit and see what others have to say. If you want to take our FREE MasterCourse,  just click the link to get started.

Professional Money Manager

I have always been fascinated by the process of building wealth. More importantly, I want people to know that there are better ways to create portfolio returns (Alpha) than those told to us by Wall Street.

Our group of funds consistently outperforms the S&P 500 Index, but interestingly, takes substantially less risk. And now, we are embracing the future with funds investing in cryptoassets.


In today’s world, time is everything.
There are 2 main ways to learn anything: the slow way and the fast way. With the slow way, you figure everything out yourself, with trial and error and you lose your most valuable
asset:  time. 
With the fast way, you take existing knowledge and experience, and make it your platform. Then add in a mentor who can point out where you are coming up short and show you with his experience where you could improve and how to get even better - faster.
It's like a pole-vault to the next level. If you want to 10x your results, you need a mentor in any area of your life. I mentor people in their financial life so they get better results - faster, and without costly trial and error.


I love to write, probably because I love to learn. I write about things that are practical, that can help make people better, maybe bring some positive change to the world.

So far, I have written books and courses about business, negotiation,  wealth management, time management, and intricate investment strategies.


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