Stocks, Options and Crypto


Today we’re going to briefly discuss various asset categories—stocks, real estate, crypto, and options—and why you should consider them for your portfolio.


A stock represents ownership in a company. While companies traditionally paid dividends, many growth companies like Amazon reinvest profits into R&D instead of paying dividends. Stock prices often reflect future earnings expectations rather than current profitability.

Real Estate

Real estate offers stability but lacks liquidity compared to stocks. Government incentives make real estate attractive for ownership, though the 2008 crisis showed it's not immune to downturns.


Options provide the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell an asset. They can be highly leveraged and useful for hedging or generating income through premiums.

Tech Assets

Investing in tech assets like cryptocurrencies or innovative technologies (e.g., the internet in the '90s) can yield substantial returns over time. Bitcoin is considered a digital gold, stable but slow, while other cryptocurrencies offer unique utilities.


Diversifying across these asset classes can create a robust investment strategy. Allocate wisely to hedge against inflation and market fluctuations, aiming for a balanced and secure financial plan. Always conduct thorough research and consider professional advice when investing.