Stocks, Options and Crypto


Today we’re going to briefly discuss various asset categories—stocks, real estate, crypto, and options—and why you should consider them for your portfolio.


A stock represents ownership in a company. While companies traditionally paid dividends, many growth...

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Welcome to the Wealth Architect Podcast


Introduction to the Wealth Architect Podcast

I’m excited to be here and embark on this podcast journey with you. Let's dive into creating and having fun while exploring topics not typically covered in traditional education.

The Need for Practical Education

Our school systems often...

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Covered Call Options Can Create Passive Income: A Comprehensive Guide

Want to learn how Covered Call Options can help you earn passive income? Read this article for a detailed explanation of how Covered Call Options work and the benefits they offer.

Cash Flow Machine - Covered Calls - Covered Call Options Can Create Passive Income: A Comprehensive Guide


Covered call options can be a powerful tool for those looking to generate passive income...

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Covered Calls for Passive Income

Most people think passive income, think real estate…

You might have seen my recent video and proof of how I managed to increase one of my IRA accounts 234%, now that’s passive income! (In case you missed it, here is the link to that video) I have put out a new video where I show you...

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Selling Covered Calls using LEAPS

In my latest video, I going further into covered calls, and I explain the concept of using LEAPS. Stay tuned!




Okay, so one of the questions I’m often asked in my program is, how can I get a little bit more bang for the buck by using LEAPS. Now, some people...

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Covered Call Examples

A lot of people are interested in getting into covered calls, but they don’t know quite how to go about it. In this video, I’m going to show you covered call examples so that you can see how it’s done and see how easy it is to start making cash flow by using covered calls.


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Will You Have Enough for Retirement?

In my seminars and courses, I always talk about running out of money before you run out of life.  Do you ever ask the question; Will you have enough for retirement?

You see, most people really don’t plan for retirement properly. Sure, they may have an IRA or a 401K or a 403B or...

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Will Palantir Stock Soar in 2021?
Check out this quick video I did this week explaining the specific criteria to look for when choosing a stock. Let me know if you want more details!  I teach my full system in my course, Cash Flow Machine!  
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Who Handles Your Investments?

Some years ago, I was sitting on an overseas flight and I looked up to see an older, gray-haired gentleman in a white uniform shirt with lots of gold buttons and black stripes. I soon realized: ”Hey, that’s the Captain! Wait! Who’s flying the plane?”

The captain was...

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Now it’s time to talk about how most people earn a living. Most of us exchange our time for money. We work an hour and get paid for an hour’s work. The government takes its cut, we take the rest, and we spend it. Then we have to go work another hour to replace what we just spent. This...

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Why You Might Need a Trading Mentor

The following article discusses the benefits of having a trading mentor:

Have you ever:

  1. Invested in a stock that “you were sure” was going to go up (but it didn’t)?

  2. Bought a stock and then bought more when it dropped, hoping that it would come back up…. but it kept...

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DOW 30000 and Coming Crash…

DOW 30,000 Why The Market Is Setting Up For A Crash  


#DOW30000 #HackingMoney #MarketUpdate

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